Light and airy windbreak net. Percentage of light windbreak to favour ventilation and stop wind gusts.
Light and airy windbreak net. Percentage of light windbreak to favour ventilation and stop wind gusts.
Anti-insect field netstop Cabbage stem flea beetle, it stops lepidoptera (moths, moths, moths), diptera (crop flies), hydraptera (locusts, grasshoppers) a large part of beetles including the stem flea beetles, pollen beetles,cabbage weevils, part of the hemiptera bugs including leafhoppers and bedbugs. The lateral tension of the net caused by the growth of the plants slows […]
CompareAnti-hail mesh net type 3×7 that allows the protection of orchards against hail, our nets can be adapted to the different protection systems: classic falling system, with staggered edges with chute, crossed system and superimposed system.
CompareLight netting suitable for the amateur aviary – netting for aviaries for the protection of quails, young pheasants, or pigeons.