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Pest protection

Alphatex offers pest protection nets to be installed directly in the field or on tunnel-type structures against all types of pests: insects of all sizes in vegetable, horticultural or nursery crops, but also against game.

Manufacturer's tips, promotions and news

BIOTIS 450, le filet anti-insectes contre la petite altise des crucifères

Stop the crucifer flea beetle (Phyllotreta) with the BIOTIS 450 anti-insect netting


Alphatex is launching the BIOTIS 450 anti-insect netting. Specifically designed against the small crucifer flea beetle PHYLLOTRETA, an insect around 0.5mm. Because of its voracious appetite, it ravages turnip, radish and cabbage crops.  BIOTIS 450 …

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Need large-scale nets? Alphatex is there for you


Professionals in horticulture and vegetable growing increasingly need large nets, which are quicker and more practical to attach to their large farms. But, shade nets, windbreak nets and anti-insect nets do generally not exceed more …

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Alphatex will be in Ukraine for the AgroSpring 2022

Alphatex will be in Ukraine for the 2022 AgroSpring trade fair

From February 15 to the 17, Alphatex will be in Ukraine to participate to the 2022 AgroSpring trade fair. An …

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BIOTIS 450 - The new insect net made by Alphatex

NEW – BIOTIS 450, the innovative insect netting

The Biotis 450 is an innovative insect net dedicated to vegetables growing and, to a lesser extent, to horticulture and …

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Which insects are stopped by the BIOTIS 450 ?

Which insects are stopped by the insect net BIOTIS 450 ?

The BIOTIS 450 is the new anti-insect net made by Alphatex. Thanks to its small meshes of 435µ x 670µ, …

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How to choose your insect net

How to choose your insect net ? For professionals

Anti-insect nets was created to protect crops from the damage caused by pests, such as beetles, flies or drosophila. For …

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Insect net against drosophila

Which insects are stopped by the Drosotis 8/6 ? For DROSOPHILA

Alphatex offers a lot of solutions to protect crops against pests. In this article, you will find a summary of …

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